Take Back Your Seat at the Table
Enterra Medical
Gastroparesis Therapy
Problem: Gastroparesis is a life altering condition that can be challenging for patients. Enterra Medical offers therapy using a Gastric Electrical Stimulation (GES) treatment option. Meditech's challenge was to develop informative programs that explains the condition, the therapy, and provides hope for for patients in an interesting and non-threatening style. In addition, visuals for supporting print and electronic media needed to be developed for a consistent identity across all mediums.
Solution: Working closely with our client, three needs were identified; a patient story, character animation and brochure illustrations. To create consistency across each piece, we uniquely crafted stories and visuals to reflect their key message—take back your seat at the table. In it's entirety the programs were produced in a cost effective way through leveraging assets across all materials.
Outcome: We've successfully empowered Enterra Medical, healthcare providers and patients seeking treatment for gastroparesis with effective informational pieces. The patient story showcased the success of an Enterra Therapy patient and her experience through a heartfelt story. The video footage and interviews were captured in a way to make viewers emotionally connect and to feel not alone, but understood and supported. The character animation was developed as an approachable solution for explaining the condition and therapy through simplified visual presentations. And finally, with the development of both video programs our client was able to leverage the final artwork developed for the videos to create patient posters. From print, to web and within Enterra Medical's resource center, the content is easily accessible to physicians and patients.

Enterra Therapy

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Enterra Therapy

Enterra Therapy Poster

Enterra Therapy Poster

Enterra Therapy Poster