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The Blueprint for Success


Planning a better production through quality scriptwriting

Whether we are producing a short one-minute animation or an entire video series, every program begins with a script. At Meditech, we think of the script as the “blueprint” for the program. That means that every consideration for messaging, flow, visual approach and finished program is considered. Any oversights made while scripting can impact the entire production process and end result. The purpose of scriptwriting is to develop the key messages that will be conveyed through the content, including details as to what, when, and how messages will be delivered to the target audience. 

Scripting can often be an overlooked step in production. At Meditech, we emphasize the importance and value that a good script can bring to our clients. The purpose of a script is multifaceted, it’s an organizational tool, platform for collaboration, and a content guide. Investing the time and effort upfront during the scripting process can help deliver a higher quality product that meets end goals.

Outlined below are the top 5 ways a well-crafted script can improve your next production.

A good script helps to develop the direction and story

It is during the scripting process that concepts and ideas are turned into stories. The scripting process starts with a review of all the key information and messages that will be communicated, and then that content will be structured in a way that is engaging and makes sense to the audience.

A script consists of two primary components, the story structure and visual direction. The story structure will describe important elements such as plot, objects (such as devices), characters, and dialogue, through a sequential storytelling order. The visual side of a script will give producers direction as to how the content should be presented to audiences in a way that supports the story and central narrative. Careful planning and consideration of both of these script elements, will ensure the final product will communicate the desired message. 

Keeps content audience focused

One of the biggest challenges with any script development is keeping the content focused on the audience. At the end of the day, for content to be used effectively and reach your goals, it needs to be consistent and appealing to the target audience. For example, scripts can be invaluable tools for keeping the bigger picture of a production top of mind. They allow writers and producers to better organize their audience appeals and plan out purposeful direction to strengthen their impacts. It is convenient to see if themes are consistent throughout a script and make revisions before starting visual production. 

Keeps content on brand

Brand consistency is an extremely important consideration for any visual media. An organization’s brand and voice is one of its most valuable assets and publishing content that diminishes that image can be devastating and expensive to remedy. At Meditech, we work closely with our clients to understand any specific guidelines and specific nuances that make a brand’s content feel unique. Through background research and discussion, we adopt your vision for the final product and translate that into written direction in the script. Whether you’re creating content for your organization or another, scripts are important platforms for stakeholders to verify that the messaging, visuals and tone is going to be on brand. 

Makes planning more collaborative

A collaborative scripting process will allow more individuals to participate in the process of content selection, providing visual direction, revisions, and suggesting improvements, etc.. A script provides an accessible method for the vision of the producer or author to be communicated with other key stakeholders before the actual production begins. This ensures alignment amongst the team and reduces surprises later in the process. 

Saves on production cost

At its core, a script is a detailed plan and guide, similar to a blueprint, that the creative team follows during the production process. By putting in the effort to produce a solid script before production begins; the process will be more efficient, the messaging more on-target, and the audience more engaged.